Kis-My-Ft2, Big Time Kiss

Title: Big Time Kiss
Rating/Warnings: PG for Kisumai being…a boyband?
Summary: Kis-My-Ft goes to Hollywood to be the next big thing.
AN: Written for JE100’s AU week, crossover with Big Time Rush.

Big Time Kiss

They can’t find a fourth guy. They do auditions in Kyoto, Osaka, and, desperate, even Nagoya, but the producers can’t find a fit. Fujigaya frets that they won’t even get to make a single. Yokoo and Iida, already friends, exchange a look; Iida lends Fujigaya his helmet for comfort.

Back in Tokyo, their missing fourth finally materializes, shorter and older than the producers want and yawning through half of his audition; then his sleepy-eyed gaze locks with Fujigaya’s.

“It’s him,” Fujigaya insists, heart leaping when the staff agrees.

“So,” Kitayama says, like this happens every day, “what’s the band’s name?”

Big Time Brat

“You’re totally comfortable, Mitsu-nii,” Senga sighs. They’re on a filming break while the directors brainstorm Miyata’s latest scheme to nab Yokoo in the script with Miyata and Tamamori, and Senga’s head is pillowed comfortably in Kitayama’s lap.

“Oi,” Nikaido, this week’s guest-star, frowns as Kitayama strokes Senga’s hair idly, Senga’s eyes fluttering. “Don’t be so familiar, you only play siblings on the show!”

“Just like you only play a rich, gorgeous CEO’s kid on the show?” Kitayama inquires. “Although ‘spoiled’ does seem to fit.”

“I’ll show you!” Nikaido turns on his heel and points. “Yokoo! You’re my new boyfriend!”

Big Time Plan

The lobby plants don’t hide them like the pool bushes, but that doesn’t stop the trio debating strategy just out of earshot of Tamamori, leafing through a magazine in one of the lobby chairs.

“I’m taking ‘bad boy,'” Iida informs them, slicking his hair back. When Fujigaya gets back from the allergy doctor’s, he’s going to kill Iida for defiling his lucky comb.

“Pfft,” Yokoo drawls, “100% of ladies love Kansaiben.”

Kitayama snorts. Iida draws short leaf and goes first.

When Iida panics, blurting “SUKIYANEN!” in Tamamori’s face, Yokoo barely clears the plants before Miyata’s slap makes his ears ring.

Big Time Rival Band

“His autograph?” Fujigaya wrinkles his nose. “Why?”

“Hasshi Ryosuke is a hot idol,” Senga informs him seriously, “and I’m a teen boy! I’m not made of stone, you know.”

“It’s not big deal,” Kitayama says, plucking the cd out of Fujigaya’s hands. “We’re having a photoshoot today anyway, you can just come in with us and Hasshi can sign your cd or your…whatever.”

“Mitsu-nii!” Senga chirps in rapture, clutching his issue of Pop Panda tightly to his chest.

Yokoo and Iida peer over Kitayama’s shoulders at the cover of A-B-Vampira-C’s cd. “Aren’t vampires supposed to be emo? Not so sparkly?”

Big Time Photoshoot

Their ice packs are all water by the time they tell the entire story, from the matador outfits to the snowmobile to Kitayama nearly suffocating them with excessive fog. They’ve got quite an audience by then, not just Tamamori and Miyata like usual, but a bunch of regulars, including Taiko Dude and the Morimoto twins.

“It’s worth it,” Fujigaya says fiercely, wincing when his lip re-splits. “We’ll be on the walls of millions of girls!”

“You sure will.” Miyata holds up the poster to show Big Time Kiss grinning; then he flips it. “Hasshi Ryosuke is on the other side.”

Big Time Thing

“What’s that?” Miyata asks, looking at the metal coil in Tamamori’s hand.

Tamamori seems equally confused. “Kitayama gave it to me? He said he had kind of a thing for me, but I didn’t think he meant…you know, a thing. Sorry, Thing-san.”

Miyata isn’t sure that Kitayama really does have a thing for Tamamori, despite all his efforts, not like the thing he’s got for Yokoo anyway. Miyata even suspects Yokoo returns Kitayama’s thing, sadly.

But sitting next to Tamamori, Miyata minds somewhat less, suddenly.

“So,” Miyata can’t help but smile back when Tamamori smiles shyly, “you’re from Hokkaido?”

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Mousapelli is primarily a multi-fannish fanfiction author. She has written in many, many fandoms ranging from anime to shounen to movies to video games. She can be found on Archive of Our Own and most social media as Mousapelli.
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