Kis-My-Ft2, Habit-Forming

Title: Habit-Forming
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Yokoo/Kitayama
Author’s Notes: Watta needs kisses too! Also he really does this during MCs.


Yokoo covers his mouth when he laughs. It’s an old habit, from when he was self-conscious about the yaiba, one Yokoo hasn’t bothered breaking. Not like he cracks up on stage that often.

But this tour he’s been laughing constantly, just because his mood is so good (plus his group is all morons), so he presses his towel-wrapped water bottle to his mouth during MCs, stifling giggles.

Kitayama is in front of Yokoo suddenly, pulling Yokoo’s wrist down firmly.

“Yokoo’s laugh is cute, so don’t hide it.”

Yokoo’s even more surprised when Kitayama seals his command with a kiss.

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Mousapelli is primarily a multi-fannish fanfiction author. She has written in many, many fandoms ranging from anime to shounen to movies to video games. She can be found on Archive of Our Own and most social media as Mousapelli.
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