Posts tagged: JE – 26 Birthday Kisses

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Like You Would Not Believe

Uchi has a surprise meeting and a revelation. (Ryo/Uchi)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, The Second Hand Will Catch Us

Kawai thinks Goseki should take one for the team during Countdown. (Kawai/Goseki)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, I Wouldn’t Say I Hate You If It Wasn’t True

Lately, Yamada is getting irritated by even small things. (Yuto/Yamada)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, You & I

Tackey is busy with a certain Special Project, and Tsubasa is mostly happy with that. (Tackey/Tsubasa)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Now That We’re Done

Nakamaru and Koyama find that change is harder than you'd think. (Nakamaru/Koyama)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, With Some Extras Thrown In

Ryo wishes that for once he wasn't the first one to notice, or to figure it out. (Ryo/Tegoshi)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, However Far Away

Yamapi's 22nd birthday is the first birthday they've ever spent apart. (Jin/Yamapi)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Still Waiting For You

Kame's been using his time to think, leading up to the KAT-TUN Cartoon II tour. (Kame/Jin)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, A Faulty String of Blue Christmas Lights

Miyata thinks maybe his timing could have been better, Tamamori thinks Miyata is a giant jerk. (Tamamori/Miyata)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Faster Than You Know

Aiba likes concert days the best. (Aiba/Ohno)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, All The Songs That Make You Shake

While Jin is in Los Angeles, Ueda sends him letters. (Jin, Ueda)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Like a Hummingbird

Hasshi's got it all planned out, but things don't always work that way. (Hashimoto/Sanada)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Maybe I Do and Maybe I Don’t

Nikaido wants to practice something new. (Nikaido/Senga)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Fire Flower

Yonemura wants a peaceful day off. Fujiie has other plans. (Yonemura/Fujiie)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Until I Get To Kiss You Again

The tour season starts to get to all of them sooner or later. (Tegoshi/Masuda)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, The Blue of the Bluest Sky

Aiba's brought the hay fever on himself this time. (Aiba/Jun)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, All the Right Words

Yamapi kisses Jin goodnight, and Jin just can't take it anymore. (Jin/Yamapi)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Thank You Rather Than Goodbye

Shoon isn't sure how it happened that they all grew up so fast. (Shoon/Yabu)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, These Are My Favorite Chords

No one ever said you had to get it on the first try. (Tackey/Tsubasa)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Pure Morning

Yamapi wants to know how Koyama can worry so much this early in the morning. (Yamapi/Koyama)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Beautiful Like a Rainbow

Even Ohno isn't sure what made him start paying attention at exactly the wrong moment. (Ohno/Nino)

26 JE Kisses, Take You For Granted

Takaki has forgotten something, but he isn't sure what. (Takaki, Chinen)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Could Have Been Anybody Else

Fujigaya isn't drunk enough, and also is jealous of club girls. (Fujigaya/Kitayama)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, It Falls Right Into Place

Shige has one of those tests coming up. Koyama works hard. (Koyama/Shige)

26 JE Birthday Kisses, Won’t Regret It Even If

It's just a little embarrassing that the leader of the juniors hasn't had his first kiss yet. Ryo helps Yamapi out with that. (Ryo/Yamapi)

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